We provide expertise in transforming minerals and polymers into technologies that improve productivity and performance. From technical problem-solving to on-site supervision, CETCO consults with customers to develop long-term solutions.
Supporting Infrastructure Around the World
CETCO has been developing sustainable solutions for building, drilling, and environmental applications for over 25 years. We provide products and expertise for the world’s growing infrastructure needs. CETCO has strategically positioned our people, manufacturing and research facilities to ensure that we exceed the needs of our clients. Backed by our team of experts in the lab and in the field, we provide peace of mind so that your project is successful in every phase from planning to completion.
Building Insights Through Technology
The creative force driving CETCO® innovation, technology and reliability comes from teams of scientists, researchers and field engineers working directly with our clients around the world. The expertise and insights gained from implementing our technologies is delivered to our research and development team, whose ingenuity and refinements drive even greater innovations.
CETCO has access to state of the art research facilities worldwide. That’s where great minds have come to work to create the most innovative mineral and polymer products. Our methods of testing and approving our technologies have drawn universities and government agencies into partnership with CETCO. This collaboration has produced better standards for industrial productivity and policy changes that lead to a safer, cleaner world. Our training and certification programs teach the benefits of our technology and its applications for customers at all levels.
Setting New Standards, Delivering Peace of Mind
CETCO Customer support is founded on forward thinking and a commitment to deliver on the promise of Our Standards. Your Peace of Mind. From technical specifications to project management and problem-solving, our services cover the entire spectrum of demands. The CETCO® team can help you plan and execute your project from concept to completion.